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MEDX at the 2016 HIPAA Summit

MEDX presents at 2016 HIPAA Summit in Washington D.C.

The HIPAA Summit provides the most data on new HIPAA and Healthcare laws and regulations. This year’s event addresses privacy, security, cybersecurity data breach changes and challenges, and the legal and policy issues implicated, as well as electronic health record adoption issues. It will also cover developments and requirements for transactions, code sets, and operating rules and how they are being implemented.

“The HIPAA Summit was overall a GREAT experience. Not only was the event an opportunity to demonstrate MEDX, but also a platform to gather the needs of the client directly from the experts,” according to M.E.D.X CEO, Michael Parikh. “Interacting with security, compliance and privacy officers across the country was very encouraging and informative. Their support and feedback has been invaluable.”